Category Business

Questrade Review: What it Offers Clients

Why should you use Questrade? I have had many financial transactions with brokers in the past and for everyone I have dealt with, I always had similar responses: “I will never go through that broker again”. There is a reason…

What Is Identity Theft? Preventing Your Identity Theft

Identity theft is a crime that has become increasingly popular over the years. Unfortunately, it’s not only criminals that are becoming victims of identity theft. Even good people can become victims of identity theft. So how do you protect yourself…

What Affects Your Credit Score in Canada

What Affects Your Credit Score in Canada When you apply for a mortgage in Canada, it is important that you understand how your credit score will be determined. The inquiry accounts that show on your credit report are the first…

What Is a Credit Bureau?

A credit bureau, also called a credit-reporting agency, keeps track of a person’s financial history. They do this by getting monthly copies of financial records from the individual or the business that they report to. The records are then processed…