As compared to WhatsApp and Telegram, Signal has state-of-the-art end-to-end encryption using the open source Signal Protocol that keeps our conversations more secure. They can’t read our messages or listen to our calls, and no one else can either. On Signal, privacy isn’t an optional mode — it’s just the way that Signal works. Every message, every call, every time.

WhatsApp Vs Signal
does not protect metadata | protects metadata |
WhatsApp gets a lot of data such as phone number, contacts, avatar, location, media, how often you use the app and how much time you spend chatting with each contact and device details & can share to third-parties | Signal only requires your phone number and does not share |
You can’t disable statuses | You can disable statuses |
does not have Call relay to disguise IP address | Call relay to disguise IP address |
Videos calls are of low quality | Videos calls are of very high quality |
Why have I moved to Signal and ditched WhatsApp
Well, I am still in the process of completely moving to Signal. Hoping by February, I should be able to delete my WhatsApp, although I have already uninstalled it from my phone and using the web version. To answer the question, I am not only concerned about my privacy, I am also concerned about my well-being and productivity.
Even though WhatsApp has really helped me communicate with clients, help people through it, it has also affected me negatively in the following ways.
- I receive a lot of messages therefore in the past years, I have spent more time replying even when am not getting anything from the help being rendered.
- Secondly, I have always been forced to always post on my status to keep my contacts engaged.
- Well, having hundreds of contacts, has also lead to spending more time on just viewing people’s statuses and know what’s really happening in people’s lives.
- And lastly, I think I maybe addicted to WhatsApp or maybe I just enjoy helping people.
Since February 2022 when I moved out of my parents house to start living on my own, it mean’t that I needed to spend more time building myself or making money than doing the opposite because I now had bills to pay.
The solution
#1 solution
People usually like asking similar type of questions, most of which can be answered with a simple Google search, I decided to add a forum feature to my website where people can ask questions and on my free time, I reply or anyone can. You can ask questions here:
#2 solution
Signal is very secure and I can disable statuses therefore, I won’t be able to see people’s statuses and I won’t be able to post mine too and there are few people in my contacts that use Sigal.
#3 Solution
Starting January 2023, I will not be accepting calls and providing on-demand help from the general public without an appointment or for free. To benefit from things like below, you will need to subscribe to my premium membership by paying a monthly subscription of $6.99 on patreon. But this does not prevent you from contacting me.
You are so free to contact me and request for a one time fee too. My Patreon:
Premium services
- instant chatting with me
- unlimited calls and video calls
- consultations and mentorships
- instant answers to your questions
Getting started with Signal
You can download signal for your Android, iPhone, Windows or Linux computer from here:
Create an account and simply click on this link to text me directly: